Liberal Democrats have run the city of Detroit for 35 solid years
and this is the record
-3 Mayors convicted
-led the nation in murder 22 years
-led the nation in abandon homes
-led the nation in rapes
-led the nation in H.S. drop-outs for 18 years
-led the nation in teen pregnancy for 23 years
-led the nation in stolen cars 14 years
-led the nation in arson 12 years
-has been bailed out 14 times
-has never balanced a budget
-voted worse public schools for 21 years
and it goes on and on and on
And like our Federal Government it is 100% LED by Liberal DemocratsIsn't the city of Detroit an excellent example/model of what democrats/liberals can do when they control?
THIS is how they maintain control of the masses. They try to KEEP the cities they own as festering cesspools.
Oh, you POOR, POOR, people! We will take care of you! you cant take care of yourselves! Its those evil conservatives that are the cause of your problems!
They USE the minority groups, pump them for votes, throw them a bone, and still screw them over, all the while blaming it on ';evil whitey';.
We have a mulatto president with an islamic backround.
so guess what?
YOU CANT BLAME WHITEY ANYMORE when your world is a cesspool.
Rise up and choose your own destiny.
Dont let the left wing loons control you.Isn't the city of Detroit an excellent example/model of what democrats/liberals can do when they control?
It seems that a Democrat has ';Special Privileges';, and has been ';chosen'; . EVERYTHING that has the STINK OF CORRUPTION, also has the name ';Democrat'; somewhere on it.
(Do the name's Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, ring any bells ?)
New Jersey, corruption is a way of life there, Chicago, a CESSPOOL (shares with NY, the highest CITY sales taxes 10%), with a Democrat mayor, and Illinois (where our Governor's make our license plates) has a (new) Governor (Democrat, but the juries still out on him.). The last two were sent to prison for various crimes, and our EX- Governor (that idiot, Blogojevech) is waiting for his trial on corruption charges.
Saint Louis, MO. (Iraq, USA), is a shooting gallery and has the SECOND HIGHEST crime rate (second to Detroit, MI.), and is run by a DEMOCRAT MAYOR.
And don't ask about the school's,,,,,,they have been robbed silly and are BROKE ! (Thanks to the Democrats)
You have a valid point. I disagree with your first answer. Democrats control cities and even the best are in bad shape.
I live near Pittsburgh. The city has been under control of the state and county commissions for the past five years because of fiscal calamity. The mayor is campaigning right now and is singing his own praises. Yes, he is a democrat.
It is the GM, Crystler and Ford that have destroyed the city. Especially GM with their arrogance.
I know few engineers who for GM and have seen them from decent to abnoxious to now arrogant and rude. We were in same circle, but now we don't associate with them.
If you're going to discuss cities led by Dems, it would be honest of you to include the many, many other places in the country lef by Dems that are thriving: San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, etc., etc.
Sure is. Add, from my own experience, DC, Baltimore %26amp; Newark, NJ.
Detroit is a disaster because it's manufacturing economy disappeared. Period.
And because of their failures, they will receive the #1 pick in the draft...
yawn! Go suck a tailpipe. Save the oxygen your pointless body wastes for others.
You said that right !
i agree with Kman
Oh, I kind of prefer how they have handled the west coast.
Even with Republican intervention the collapse of those states isn't far off.
Sen. Margarita Prentice, D-Renton, chairwoman of the Senate Ways %26amp; Means Committee, said the time has come for the Legislature to stop griping about cuts.
';I'm really tired of the whining and complaining,'; Prentice said. ';This is where we are.';
But Hewitt repeated what Republicans have said throughout the session -- that the pain could have been lessened if Democrats had acted earlier.
';This process should have started some time ago and some of these draconian cuts would not have been made,'; he sad.
And he criticized Democrats for negotiating the budget behind closed doors and not clueing Republicans in on the cuts before unveiling the revised budget to the press.
';There was no transparency in this,'; Hewitt said. ';This is arrogance at its finest -- not doing us the courtesy of showing us what's in this budget before breaking it to the world. I don't remember it ever happening this way as long as I've been here.';鈥?/a>
shadow loomed over the health department, which could lose 20 percent of its funding for programs ranging from immunizations for children to care for the disabled, veterans and mental-health patients.
';Simply, at some point, we will not be able to do more with less,'; said Mark Orndoff, director of the county's Health and Human Services Department.
Of its $50 million budget, more than $33 million comes from the state, which leaves Orndoff's department vulnerable to state cutbacks. He said the budget problems could mean some of the programs the county now runs might have to be turned over to the state.
Orndoff made his presentation to the Jackson County Budget Committee, made up of three county commissioners and three community members鈥?/a>
When California's legislators finally agreed on a state budget in mid-September of 2008 - more than four months late - they adopted some temporary measures that, if uncorrected, would have left state taxpayers with a $40 billion shortfall by 2010 unless corrective action was taken.
In response, the legislature and the governor agreed on a revised budget package in February of 2009 that would bring in nearly $98 billion in revenues and spend about $92 billion, with the nearly $6 billion difference used to cover a year-end deficit in the 2008-09 budget and build up a reserve account for future years.
The package included nearly $15 billion in spending reductions, most of which affected funding for students attending kindergarten through high school. Reductions also called for furloughing state workers, eliminating inflationary or cost-of-living adjustments for many programs and reducing other services.
The package also included tax increases of nearly $12.5 billion, mostly by increasing the state sales and use tax to 8.25 percent. Other taxes that are rising are vehicle license fees and personal income tax.鈥?/a>
Detroit has lost its economic engine AND most of its population over the past 30 years. Are you really surprised the city struggles so much?
Should we also talk about the Red state that rely on federal dollars to stay afloat? They take MUCH more from the pot than the contribute and they lag in most areas like education and health.
The GOP has run this country for most of the past 40 years. Hello?
Maybe its just the American way of dealing with poverty?
Our federal government has only been led by Democrats for twelve of the past forty years.
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