Monday, January 18, 2010

Is this a classic example of what happens when government (Obama admistration) control things?

When Obama told the banks that they need to take TARP money to save our financial institutions, many of you do not even remember that the treasury secretary got all the banks executive together in a room and said they were not leaving until they sign the contract accepting TARP money whether they needed, wanted it or not…seems similar to how a gangster would operate!

Now the government is telling them what they can earn, the government givith the government taketh just apply this example to every government policy

Now the government is trying to force universal health care on everyone I just wonder how long before many of you will realized you have been punke’d. There is a old saying “You get too soon old…and too late smart”Is this a classic example of what happens when government (Obama admistration) control things?
uh, no, but when you get older, you'll recognize your mistake. Well, assuming you'll also get smart before it's too late....

';age forces upon us a certain amount of wisdom, whether we like it or not';.Is this a classic example of what happens when government (Obama admistration) control things?
Others have corrected you on your lies about TARP (which is a LOAN, btw, and the government makes 5% on it).

';Now the government is trying to force universal health care on everyone';

How can we even have a conversation with you if you believe that? Universal health care means single payer, which was never even on the table. NOTHING is being done with health care. It is health insurance that will be reformed.

Whatever your news source is, you need to get a new one -- or two, or three.
Um...I believe that if you look at recent history, you will discover that TARP was passed during the Bush administration, and that the Secretary of the Treasury who herded bank executives into a room was Henry Paulson, Treasury Secretary to President George W. Bush.

The Democratic Congress was reluctant to pass TARP, but Paulson insisted, with the help of a Presidential candidate named John McCain who ';suspended'; his campaign to fly back to Washington to help fight alongside Paulson.
TARP was passed on October '08. Obama didn't take office until January of '09.

Do you not think that the government should have some say in companies they've invested billions of dollars in? Wouldn't that be an irresponsible use of taxpayer dollars - to hand out billions to companies but allow them to continue business as usual?
The GOP, even in it's final death throes, continue making complete fools of themselves 8-)

Each lie, each radical hate-filled rant, pushes a few more (sane) people away from the ';Gran ol Party';. The only ones left soon will be the craaaaaaaazies :-)




a former Republican, scared off by the irrational, hate-filled, lying, fear-mongering, neoCon ';loon-fringe';, who have taken control of the GOP...
How many died because of junior's need for a ';legacy';?
Subvertor ...: The year tarp passed, which you forget, Democrats controlled the house and senate, since 2006. That means Democrats had to allow the bill to pass, then Bush signed it. Thanks for playing. You lost.
Remember how the wanted responsible banks to look bad by taking TARP money, so you wouldn't know if your bank was irresponsible with our money?
I bet you got that logic from....FOX LIES!!!

Why do you believe everything your told by Fox?

Again I say to you......FOX NEWS LIES!!!!!!
There is no Govt option, there is just health care reform.

Didn't you get the memo?
Nice try... Bush was in office when TARP began... man, its less than a year ago... you need to do something about that memory issue of yours..

Bush began the TARP program

Christopher Cox was a Bush Appointee...
chicago thug mentality
How many of you would like to see obama with his head up a donkeys rear?

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